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Go to Autistic Art Foundation page
Autistic Art Foundation
We want to help people with autism every minute of every day
Social care
Go to Cocker Rocker Spaniel Rescue Association page
Cocker Rocker Spaniel Rescue Association
A dog should have value, not price
Animal welfare
Go to Habitat for Humanity Magyarország page
Habitat for Humanity Magyarország
We build strength, stability, and self reliance through shelter
Social care
Go to Kék Vonal page
Kék Vonal
Children must be listened to and, if they are in trouble, helped.
Go to Motivation Community page
Motivation Community
We are on the same path.
Go to Rosa Parks Alapítvány - Láthatatlan Tanoda page
Rosa Parks Alapítvány - Láthatatlan Tanoda
Inclusion is cool
Go to Sant'Egidio Community page
Sant'Egidio Community
Together for the poor, for a world of peace and solidarity
Social care
Go to Streetlawyer Association page
Streetlawyer Association
Providing legal aid for people living in poverty
Human rights
Social care
Go to Thalassa House Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation page
Thalassa House Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Therapeutic community for recovery