Habitat for Humanity Magyarország
Social care
Since 1996, Habitat for Humanity has been working in Hungary to ensure that every person to live in a healthy, affordable, decent home. Since then, we have built 152 houses, 764 homes for Hungarian families in need. Housing poverty in its various forms still affects around 3 million people in Hungary. Let's work together for the for decent housing!
Fundraising goal
Our TÁMASZ programme helps people and families living in owner-occupied or rented local authority housing whose home has suffered damage or is in a technical condition that compromises or even prevents it from being used as a decent, safe home.
The form and amount of support is tailored to the needs of the family. For example, it can cover the replacement of windows and doors, painting, insulation, building materials, furniture or household appliances; the costs of a building contractor, specialist advice or other work.
Other ways to support
Support Habitat's work by donating here
Volunteer work in renovating social housing in Budapest (no experience necessary!).
Apply here!