How it works

On boonshelf you can sell or buy items from others while supporting a cause you care about.

On the site, you can sell items you no longer need by donating some or all of the earnings to an NGO of your choice. It's up to you who you would like to support and to what extent. As a buyer, you will also be able to see how much of the purchase price is donated and to which organisation. 

Are you up for selling?

  1. Upload your item to the site
  2. Choose who you support and how
  3. Select delivery options
  4. Publish your item
  5. Wait for others to buy your item
  6. Deliver your item
  7. Upon selling donation is transfered automatically
  8. Track the donations related to your sales

Would you buy something?

  1. Browse items
  2. Buy the preferred item
  3. Payment and donation is made upon delivery
  4. Track donations related to your purchaces

Would you like to learn more?

We have compiled the most important questions here, where you can learn more about how to sell, buy and use boonshelf in general.  

Your feedback is also valuable to us. So you have any suggestions, questions, complaints or compliments, please connect us via [email protected] or via the form available on the contact page.

Thank you for taking part!